We offer a weigh and pay system to the general public and small traders. eWaste delivered to our premises are sorted and weighed. We use a system allowing for quick and easy transactions with a full history of every purchase and sale including a detailed photo library which is approved by the MRA as well as the South African Police Service.
As we do not collect small amounts of e-waste the best is to bring it to us. We are open on Saturdays for your convenience. We will gladly quote on your scrap.
All goods will be recycled and a destruction certificate in serial numbers and weight can be issued on request. We are responsible recyclers and have a clear trail of were the scrap goes. We only sell to regulated suppliers.
For environmental accounting we split the goods recycled from the goods refurbished. We have committed ourselves to Broad Based Black Economic Empowerment and are level 2 compliant.
As part of your waste stream we will manage your unusable electronics and electrical waste. We supply collection bins and do on time pickups at your convenience. We have a team of creative people looking for solutions to be compatible with your systems and meeting your standards. We recycle downwards or upwards back into your production stream. The following services are available:
- placing and maintenance of collection bins;
- regular collection service;
- country wide cleaning of copper, brass, removal of components, cpu etc
- joint veture tendering